Sunday, November 17, 2013


Kaytano Edeyaoch surrounded by elders
Post Typhoon Haiyan week in Palau and all is well even though some of our Filipino friends have yet to hear from all their family members, so we continue praying that the casualties in the Philippines will be less than anticipated.  Our schedules have returned to our normal routine of member visits, preparation for meetings, music practice, and supporting our young missionaries.
Making progress

Roof repairs

An old, old tree is gone

House under the tree

More limbs cut off

Necessary heavy equipemnt

Palau Community College tree

After waiting for months, today was Kaytano Edeyaoch’s farewell talk in Sacrament Meeting as he leaves for Guam and on to South Africa next Sunday night.  The entire meeting was a hint of heaven as all members of Kaytano’s family spoke and bore testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel.  Raphia, his sister, wants to be just like Kaytano as he has always been a force for good in her life showing her what it means to be humble and strong.  Angie, his mother, told how Kaytano loves to give gifts and now he has the opportunity to share the most precious gift of the gospel with the people of South Africa.  In the middle of the meeting, all of the Young Men, Young Women, and choir members sang a medley of “As Sisters in Zion” and “We’ll Bring the World His Truth.”  They must have had angels join with them, because it was the most powerful, spiritual rendition of this inspired piece that we’ve ever heard.  John, Kaytano’s dad, spoke about Kaytano’s high school basketball team as they listened to their talented coach and after living the Word of Wisdom and setting their sights on the championship goal, they were able to achieve.  Now Kaytano will listen to the ultimate Coach and do whatever is required of him for the next two years. Kaytano’s testimony was simply that he wants to serve a mission to become as much like the Savior as he can.  He mentioned three Christlike attributes that have helped him prepare for this time in his life:  patience, humility, and charity.  He ended his talk quoting Omni 26 as a guiding force in his life:  “And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption.  Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.”  Kaytano will be an amazing missionary!
Kaytano and his missionary packet

Saturday evening we enjoyed the baptism of our newest member Hanson Lalimo.  He’s originally from the Marshall Islands but is attending Palau Community College.  He was baptized by Tradson Mark, who is from Pohnpei and also attending college here.  Elder Carter confirmed him a member and conferred the gift of the Holy Ghost during Sacrament Meeting the next day.  Thanks to our friend Barbara Gilson from northern Utah who generously donated many white shirts and ties for our members, Hanson looked like a missionary as he walked to the front of the chapel in his newly acquired Sunday clothes.
Hanson surrounded by missionaries

Sisters Masi & Purcell & Hanson

Trad & Hanson

We are grateful for the outpouring of love and support we feel from our family and friends, and the packages and letters they send are powerful physical reminders of how much they care.  Thanks to each of you!  We love you and hope you can sense the depth of our feelings.
Elder Malais & Elder Fullmer

Elder Murdoch & Elder Dopp

Sister Masiasomua & Sister Purcell

Sister Norgrant & Sister Ale

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